Basic Space Science Workshops

Our Programme on Space Applications, since its inauguration in 2017, has made an effort in furthering knowledge and experience of space applications at technology around the Country.

Scopes Are:

    To prevent any redundancy with other initiatives within the UN framework, it was crucial to establish a clear understanding of the essence of basic space science and the technologies associated with it. This definition was established during the inaugural workshop and has remained consistent throughout the series, as documented in A/AC.105/489. In consideration of the requirements of developing nations, basic space science was delineated to encompass:

  • Fundamental physics,
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics,
  • Solar-terrestrial interaction and its influence on terrestrial climate,
  • Planetary and atmospheric studies, and
  • Origin of life and exo-biology.


  • In September 2018, the UN Secretary-General launched an UN-wide 'Youth 2030' strategy to recognize, inter alia, young people's positive contributions as agents of change.
  • Space exploration is by nature a long-term, inter-generational pursuit. Involving youth in determining the future direction of space policy and exploration is essential to build a better future for humanity beyond the timeline of present leaders.
  • Through a variety of initiatives, including the Space4Youth Competition, opportunities for research fellowships or capacity building in space, and by giving a platform for young people worldwide to share their experiences and ideas for the sector, UNOOSA helps increase the participation of young people to space science, exploration and sustainable development.

5+ Years Of Excellence

Since 2017, we have worked closely with our esteemed institutions in implementing progressive solutions for the region’s learning community that has directly contributed to the educational reform programs, skill development, and education infra development, Job creation.